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Caterpillar Tossing Game

Toss a bean bag to get the most points in this fun caterpillar game!

Materials Needed

Caterpillar  Tossing Game

Difficulty Level: Easy

Time Needed: 10 minutes

Best done: Indoors/outdoors

Main Movement: Tossing

Chalk caterpillar

Materials Needed

  • Bean Bags (or other colorful object you have multiple of)

  • Pavement

  • Chalk

Let's Play!

  • To begin, create your "caterpillar" using chalk. 

    • Draw large circles (the younger the children, the larger the circles) using different colors of chalk. Inside of each circle, write a number - this indicated the number of points.  The circle that is the farthest from where your child will be throwing should be worth the most points. 


  • Determine the starting throw point (closer to the caterpillar for younger children, farther for older). Have children stand in a line and one at a time do their best to throw a bean bag into one of the circles. Mark down how many points each child earns.  Let each child throw 3 (or more) times, whoever has the most points at the end wins! 

**You could also do this with water balloons, just be sure to clean up any broken ones right away!

Other Caterpillar and Butterfly
Movement Activities

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